Friday, July 30, 2004

Minggu I

Waks.. rasanya secara general, minggu pertama kuliah inten ga berjalan dengan sukses..hiks..

Bayangin ajah, cuma 4 subjects (ceile..cuma yach?!) saben hari 1 subject, tiap subject mesti baca preparation reading yach 20 ampe 40 halaman..gedublak gombrang ga sich...!!! dan inten cuma bisa baca kira2 1/4 ato max 1/2 nya ajah..bukan karna kemampuan cuma bisa segitu tapi apa daya kemauan tidak mendukung..hwuahahaha..hal itu menyebabkan mata cepat lelah alias ngantuk, perut cepat kosong alias laper en otak cepat tumpul alias dodol sehingga ga ada satupun dari huruf2 itu bisa tersimpan di dalamnya..

Selain itu, baru juga ketemu sekali dan baru kenalan, eh para dosen terhormat itu sudah iseng ngasih tugas yang notabene tenggat waktunya ga masuk, inten mesti tunggang langgang nyari temen buat tugas kelompok padahal blum ada yang kenal (mana bahasanya pake bahasa tarzan gituh..) eh, sekalinya dapet temen sekelompok..ribet banget nyamain jadwal yang acakadut beda2 ga karuan..weladalah..entah bagaimana nasib tugasku itu..

Eh, timbul lagi satu masalah..ada satu subject yang pas baru masuk langsung krasa klo tuh subject 100% bukan belahan hati inten..ehem..bukan masalah dosennya yang gendut banget n ga bisa bicara dengan baek (hmmm..klo dipikir2 hal itu 25% ikut mengambil peranan dech..)..bukan karna itu (aja) tapi karna emang subjectnya bukan inten banget..weks..mesti cepet2 cari belahan hati laen nich..

Yach, gini ini klo ngrasain sekolah (lagi) setelah beberapa waktu bebas lepas terbang melayang tak tentu arah dari yang namanya belajar..bwekekeekekekek...
Selamet hang over dech..hwuahahahahaha..

Sunday, July 25, 2004


 "Books are the blessed chloroform of the mind"
..: Robert Chambers (1802-1871) :..
In the last two days, i've been busy searching books for my subjects..

As soon as I bought every book, makes me realize how hard my study will be..
I have to read a very thick books with very little letters..
And at least 30 pages text reading every night..
One question poped up in my head, is it really useful..???!
To read all of those things...???!!
Maybe it is...
My brain has freezed for a long time..
I must feed up my mind..
I have to relieve myself..
And ligthen up my life... 
"A book should serve as an axe to the ice inside us."
..: Franz Kafka (1883-1924) :..


At last,in the world of non-moslem..I found an Islamic society and not only that,it's an Idonesian moslem society..YIMSA (Young Indonesian Muslim Students Association),an Islamic association of Melbourne's Indonesian youth.I came to the YIMSA event yesterday,it was an event to honored moslem's brothers and sisters from Adelaide.There was an Islamic dawah about Islamic Brotherhood,I realy enjoyed it and I do feel the joyful of joining the brotherhood..It makes me remember and more understand my religion happily by having friends with the same faith.
We learn about Islam not in a stressly way but in fun.. :))
He deserves Paradise who makes his companions laugh

*The Qur'an*

Saturday, July 24, 2004


Lupa..ada satu tempat cake yahut lagi.. Cafe Greco.. :)) Ampun dech, cake disitu enaaaaaaak banget.. udah dech..guilty pleasure abis... ;) Lagi maem di Greco ama temen2 baru dari uni.. Glad 2 actually have friends here..

Friday, July 23, 2004

Cafe Cake

Hmmm..lagi keranjingan makan cake(s) nich, gara2 nemu toko cake yang asik.. Cafe Brunnetti..tempatnya cozy, cakenya macem2, kopinya enak n deket ama kampus..hehe.. Crown Bakery, di city..Mango Geautou ama Tiramisunya enaaak banget, harganya murah2 lagi.. hehe.. udah dech, dua tempat itu bikin lupa klo cake kalorinya berlimpah..hahaha.. :))

Orientation&Enrolment Guide

Monday 19 July
10.00-11.00 am Postgraduate Student Briefing
=> Hehe, karna pengen sarapan cake dulu ditambah kesulitan umum mencari tempat parkir..telatlah dateng ke briefing pertama.. ;) trus karna dapetnya tempat parkir gratisan yang cuma boleh 1 jam doang..alamat kluar duluan dong, daripada kena tilang.. hehe :))      

1.00-2.00 pm Aussie BBQ lunch
=> Gratis bo...! Tapi yang ngantri, duch..kalah dech antrian tiket KA pas lebaran.. ;) Jadi, kaya'nya mendingan ga usah ikutan kali ye...mendingan makan roastduck di China Bar.. :))
3.30-5.30 pm MUOSS:Wicked Winter Chillout
=> MUOSS itu singkatan dari..hmm...lupa! yang pasti itu perkumpulan anak2 internasional gitu.. ;) Tapi karna Inten mesti les Dale Carnegie dan belum siap presentasi, jadi ga ikutan dech..hiks..kaya'nya asik.. :(
5.30-late Melbourne Uni Idol:Karaoke Night
=> bisa ikutan lagi :((
Tuesday 20 July
10.00-11.30 am All Postgraduate Commerce Student Orientation
=> Gara2 acara ini nich, jadi ga bisa ikutan acaranya UMPA (organisasinya postgrad)..padahal ada makan siang gratisnya..hahaha.. :)) Tapi gapapa, dapet morning tea gratis juga kok.. ;)
Wednesday 21 July
10.00 am Enrolment for International Student
=> Kirain bakal ngantri panjang taunya lumayan cepet kok :) udah bingung2 milih subject, ga taunya si bapak staff fakultas yang milihin juga... ;p Akhirnya fix 4 subject : Business Fundamental, Management Information System, Human Resources Management dan Macroeconomics for Manager.. Trus ke Enrolment Centre University, submit2.. foto.. dapet dech kartu mahasiswa ama student diary dan last but not least..kartu asuransi kesehatan ;)
Thursday 22 July
11.00 am Check Timetable and Books
=> Gara2 gaptek, ga ngerti gimana ngecek timetable dari internet (maluuu... ;p)..akhirnya pergi memanfaatkan jasa staff administrasi..haha.. malah diajarin cara ngeliat di internet.. huahaha... :)) Gila..ada kuliah yang mulai jam 6 sore n kelar jam 9 malem :( yach apa boleh buat, adanya kelas cuma itu.. yang laen sich ok lah.. siang.. bisa tidur ampe siang n ga perlu tidur telat.. ;p  Trus ke Student Administration buat ambil refund fee, buat beli buku..Niat awal mo ngecek buku di toko buku kampus..malah belok ke Union House buat beli Sushi.. hihi.. :))
Friday 23 July
11.00 am - 3 pm Student Union Clubs and Societies Day
=> Pasti asik dech..kemaren udah ngecek club2 yang ada di uni, macem2..mulai dari Indonesian Association ampe Magicians Club... Mesti dateng.. mesti dateng..!!
Saturday 24 July
9 am - 12.45 pm Postgraduate Orientation
=> Yang ngadain UMPA, pasti nyenengin dech.. Udah booked tempat, jadi mesti bangun pagi dan dateng... Ga boleh telat..!
Berakhirlah sudah minggu orientasi dan pendaftaran..udah mesti nyiapin diri buat hari2 perkuliahan..kelas, tutorial, buku, tugas, ujian.... hwuuuaaaaaa... ;)

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

The University of Melbourne

Ehem.. udah jadi mahasiswa euy.. (lagi) :) Seneng amat sich, neng..senyumnya siap menjalani hari2 penuh siksaan di universitas..

Ga sabar nich, menghabiskan waktu di kampus yang cantik.. saking cantiknya mau aja disuruh gaya jadi little mermaid..
walopun susah banget cari tempat parkir, bagaikan mencari jarum di tumpukan bulu angsa.. hihi.. ga segitunya kali ya... :)) tapi ya ampun, yang namanya bayar parkir $7,5 /hari.. klo dirupiahin bisa Rp50ribuan... untung udah belajar ngga mengconvert harga2.. ;)
Gedung2 di kampus kombinasi antara old victorian building, yang notabene serem klo dibuat jalan2 malem.. siapa coba yang mo ketemu Queen Victoria melayang2... huhuhu...
ama gedung2 modern, yang dari ujung kaki ampe kepala kacaaa semua...
Sekarang pohonnya lagi pada gundul kedinginan.. ;)
Duch.. bahagia hatiku.. tralalala... karena aku mau mulai sekolah.. hmmm... klo dipikir2, ironis juga sich.. pengen sekolah.. ga mo ujian tapi pengen lulus.. hahaha.. :))
Welcome, my hopefully joyful school days....

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Baby boy

"Intan, dede'nya uda lahir lho.. Sabtu, 17 Juli 2004 jam 8.55 WIB, cowok, beratnya 2,9 kg panjang 48 cm, prosesnya normal. Namanya RENANDRA ARYASAKTI. Thanks buat doanya"

Terima sms dari mbaNiky jam 5 sore waktu Melbern di hari yang sama, which is means.. mbaNiky sms 5 jam setelah melahirkan ;) Alhamdulillah, berarti semuanya bener2 lancar.. Semoga ade' bisa jadi anak yang sholeh, berbakti ama ortu, pinter, sehat dan bahagia.. Amien.. :)) Hiks.. :( a little bit sedih sich, pengennya ada disitu buat liat ade' baru.. Tapi seneng banget, akhirnya mbaNiky keturutan dapet anak laki2. Selamet ya buat ibu dan bapak baru.. :)

Wanna see movies..

The Notebook
Drama and Romance

As a man (Garner) reads from a faded notebook to the woman (Rowlands) he regularly visits, his words bring to life the story of a couple (Gosling and McAdams) who are separated by World War II, then passionately reunited 7 years later, after they have taken different paths. Though her memory has faded, his words give her the chance to relive her turbulent youth and the unforgettable love they shared.
The Stepford Wives
Comedy, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Drama and Thriller
WATCHED..!! :))
Hope there isn't such freaky town like Stepford.. Let Allah SWT be The Perfectionist, coz we humans couldn't handle the huge responsibilities of being perfect..
Stepford has a secret: all of the wives are way too perfect, and all of the husbands are way too happy. "The Stepford Wives," a comic re-imagining of the 1975 suspense classic, follows the tale that unfolds when a young couple moves from Manhattan to the upper-class suburb of Connecticut. Once there, they soon discover that the Stepford men are replacing their wives with compliant robots.
A Cinderella Story
Comedy and Romance

High school senior Sam Montgomery (Hilary Duff) lives at the beck and call of her self-obsessed step-mother Fiona (Jennifer Coolidge) and her sinfully wicked step-sisters, who treat her more like a servant than a member of the family. With her sights set on attending Princeton, Sam finds her less-than-sparkling social life wonderfully complicated when she meets her Prince Charming online. But when her anonymous cyber soul mate turns out to be her high school's über-popular quarterback Austin Ames (Chad Michael Murray), Sam makes a mad dash back to reality, leaving her cell phone behind just before the clock strikes midnight. Fearing rejection if her secret is revealed, Sam dodges Austin's efforts to discover the identity of his princess. Will Sam let fear hold her back, or will she find the courage to be herself and claim the life she's always wanted? Her chance at "happily ever after" depends on it.
The Prince And Me
Comedy and Romance

Paige Morgan (Julia Stiles) is a pre-med student from Wisconsin, intent on working to achieve her dreams. Edward (Luke Mably), the Crown Prince of Denmark, is rebelling against the life that he is destined to lead but hasn't chosen. His parents, the King (Edward Fox) and Queen (Miranda Richardson) are dismayed when Edward decides to go to Winsconsin 'to find himself', and send his personal secretary Soren (Ben Miller) to keep an eye on him. When Paige meets Eddie..... life takes a different turn.
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
Comedy and Romance

After getting over the revelation that she is a princess and part of the royal family of the small and obscure European nation of Genovia (with a population of just 50,000), American teenager Mia (Hathaway) moves to the actual country she represents, with her best friend, Lilly (Matarazzo) tagging along during summer vacation. As she learns the job of being a country's future ruler, one challenge she's faced with is the prospect of being set up in an arranged marriage.


A few days ago, i went to NGV (National Gallery of Victoria).. To b honest, i didn't understand the meaning of paintings they called "abstract".. ;) For me, it's enough to enjoyed the colour of it.. Those painters created a very great colour combination.. :))

so colorful with millions of choices
from the very bright color of joyful way
until the very dark color of gloomy way
each human has their own rainbow

lets hope that each of us will choose the correct color
and pace on our happily path

Saturday, July 17, 2004

July's movies

Movies dat i've seen this month 

Mean Girls
Comedy and Romance

Raised in the African bush country by her zoologist parents, Cady Heron (Lindsay Lohan) thinks she knows about "survival of the fittest." But the law of the jungle takes on a whole new meaning when the home-schooled 15-year-old enters public high school for the first time and falls prey to the psychological warfare and unwritten social rules that teenage girls face today.

Raising Helen
Comedy and Romance

When her sister (Huffman) and brother-in-law die in a car accident, a young modeling agency assistant, Helen (Hudson), takes on the role as guardian of their surviving three children: teenager Audrey (Panettiere), 10-year-old Kenny (Spencer Breslin) and kindergartener Sarah (Abigail Breslin). As she tries to juggle the responsibilities of her new quasi-parenthood with the effects on her lifestyle (like moving with the kids to Queens) and her job, she also befriends a local pastor, Dan (Corbett), who falls in love with her. 

Spiderman 2

Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man returns in the sequel to the record-breaking blockbuster movie debut for Marvel Comics' flagship character. Tobey Maguire returns as Peter Parker, the nerd-turned-hero, to face new threats to New York City and the people he loves. 

New York Minutes

The action comedy New York Minute follows one monumental day in the lives of 17-year-old sisters Jane and Roxanne Ryan, adversaries who begrudgingly journey together from their Long Island home to New York City, where meticulously prepared overachiever Jane (Ashley) is due to deliver a speech to qualify for a prestigious college scholarship abroad. Meanwhile, laid-back punk rock rebel Roxy (Mary-Kate) hopes to get backstage at an underground music video shoot and slip her demo tape to the band. But Roxy’s and Jane’s plans go wildly awry when a mix-up involving Jane’s precious day planner lands them in the middle of a shady black market transaction. Pursued by an overzealous truant officer (Eugene Levy) and accused of kidnapping a Senator’s dog, the Ryans must find a way to work together to thwart the forces threatening to jeopardize Jane’s college dreams and ship Roxy off to a convent school. 

Super Size Me

Morgan Spurlock documents his month of eating nothing but McDonald's food. He has to try everything on the menu at least once, and he must super-size his order if asked. 

King Arthur
Drama and Action/Adventure

As the Roman Empire crumbles (circa 450 A.D.), the British Isles are thrown into a loose anarchy as errant knights are entrenched in years of territorial battle. Then, one king emerges to unite them, Arthur, with his concept of a Round Table of united knights.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

My brother

Miss the time i'm standing beside him
Miss the time i'm watching movies with him
Miss the time i'm arguing his idea
Miss the time i'm yelling at him
Miss the time i'm kicking him
Miss the time i'm having a good and bad conversation with him
Specially.. miss the time i'm helping him when he needs me..
I know that you have the strength to faced the reality
I know that you have the courage to moved on your life
I know you have the cappability to accomplished your mission
Specially.. i know you have the power to conquered the world..
Hope you'll find the way that leads you to your dreams..
Missing you so much, my beloved little brother..

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


"Love is being stupid together."
- Paul Valery (1871 - 1945) -

Sometimes, i juz wanna laugh on me..
coz i've become so stupid to b in love wit him.
Sometimes, i juz wanna laugh on him..
coz he's become so stupid to b in love wit me.
But then, we are laughing happily together..
when we realize that we are so stupidly in love.


"When I find myself fading, I close my eyes and realize my friends are my energy."
- Anon -

More than any time
in history mankind
faces a crossroads.
One path leads to despair
and utter hopelessness,
the other to total extinction.
Let us pray that we have
the wisdom to choose correctly.

..:Woody Allen:..

What the inner voice says
will not dissapoint
the hoping soul


Tuesday, July 13, 2004


I've juz read from the zodiac book..

"Virgo efficiently, grasp of details and practically show us how to make dreams come true"

I'm a virgo though.. If i can't show others how to make their dreams come true, i hope at least i can make my own dreams come true..

My car..

Cihuuyy...!!! My new car has arived.. :)) Black Honda Jazz VTi.. ready to rock, baby...!!

It's been very hard to decided which color i wanted.. @ first, i think silver was a luxurious color but then i found out dat black looks very cool.. and i got more confident wit black one after i realized dat i saw silver jazz everywhere in Melbern.. ;)
So.. here is my black Jazz.. hurayy...! :))

Monday, July 12, 2004

Greatest achievement

Tonite, i've done a presentation @ Dale Carnegie course.. It was about my greatest achievement.. it's kinda hard to find one because i think i've done a lotta things dat become my achievement and i'm proud wit all of them.. :)) But, i hav to pick one.. so, i choose the time when i graduated from university and got Bachelor of Economic title. I've trough a lotta bad and good time @ uni and wit my intention to move my life forward, i tried to finish it and i've succed.. Maybe some people think there is nothing special by finishing ur school, but i'm very proud wit myself though :))

I used my graduated certificate as an exhibit for d presentation..

Bad mood

Huuh, hav to call d LAN person..again.. :( Hope he can fix wut's wrong wit our LAN line..
Mandy from Honda is soooo annoying, she promised dat i'll get my car today.. but wut happen is i get it naked.. c'mon lady.. where is ur professionalism..???! I know dat s'Q get very angry, but i can't push Mandy as he told me to.. :( not yet.. at least i tried to show her dat i'm very dissapointed wit her service..
And for addition.. i'm not ready for my presentation for Dale Carnegie tonite..
Such a bad day today... BT...!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Freaks... ;)

According to i am worth exactly US$1,541,016.00, so i hav to find somebody who is wealthy enough to afford me before Friday, January 5, 2080 because said that will be the date i'm going to die :( Freaks..! Hahahaha.. God knows it's only a big jokes from some freaks dat hav nothing to do except counting people price and death time.. :))

I am..

Juz taking some quizes from Piyo's blog.. Not too bad though ;) Believe wut people say the good side of you.. so you can gain more goodness in yourself.. :))

Take the M&M's Test @ /~erin
Take the Greek Goddess Test @ Rasberry Rain

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by Ellen!


Hasil tes interaktif ama

Tes Profil Psikologi Anda
Kamu merupakan orang yang sangat berhati-hati, apik dan praktis. Mementingkan kwalitas pertemanan dibanding jumlah banyaknya teman. Kamu tidak mudah percaya pada teman, tapi sekalinya percaya, percaya banget. Tetapi kalo temen kamu itu sekali aja ngelanggar kepercayaan kamu, kamu bakal susah deket sama dia lagi.

Tes Kemampuan Psikis
Anda lebih suka menggunakan kemampuan di luar kemampuan psikis. Walaupun begitu, meski jarang, anda begitu intuitif dan memiliki "feel" yang bagus. Anda lebih merupakan orang yang tidak perduli terhadap nonsense. Anda lebih percaya kerja keras dalam mencapai sesuatu.

Tes Personalitas
Berjiwa lepas, Playful, riang
Kamu suka kehidupan yang bebas dan spontan. Dan kamu berusaha sepenuhnya menikmati, dengan motto : "Hidup cuma satu kali". Suka penasaran dan terbuka terhadap hal baru adalah juga sifat kamu. Gak ada yang paling menyebalkan selain terkungkung aturan. Kamu mengalami perubahan cepat di lingkungan dan selalu gemar mendapat kejutan-kejutan.

Tes Kecenderungan Berpikir Maskulin/Feminin
Anda adalah seorang wanita dengan kecenderungan berpikir Feminin. Hal ini dapat berarti bahwa anda :
•Cenderung untuk bergantung pada intuisi dan kata hati
•Cenderung untuk dapat merumuskan masalah dengan data minimal

Tes Umur Psikologis Anda
Kamu bermental orang usia belasan tahun
Kamu begitu naif sehingga tidak peduli pada orang lain. Dunia berputar setiap hari, dan kamu memilih berputar ke arah lain bila tidak setuju. Kamu memang menganggap penting mendengar apa yang orang ucapkan kepada kamu atau nasehat-nasehat tapi biasanya tidak berlangsung lama. Keluar dari kuping kiri terus melayang ke mana-mana.

Tes Kecenderungan Untuk Selingkuh
Kamu tipe yang gak bisa selingkuh dunia akhirat. Kamu gak punya pilihan lain selain menjadi pasangan yang setia. Sekalipun secara terpaksa berselingkuh, kamu akan merasakan suasana yang penuh intimidasi.


On a Water taxi at Darling Harbour with mbaBeth.. Beautiful view of sunset..


Pemilu 5 Juli 2004.. nyoblos di Konjen RI di Queen St, dingin.. Pengen jadi warga negara yang baik nich, menikmati hak buat ngasih suara.. urun pendapat buat kebaikan bangsa dan negara.. hehehe ;)


..::29 Juni 2004::.. My beloved little brother's 22 years b'day
..::11 Juli 2004::.. My beloved cousin sister's 24 years b'day
"Hope the best for them, a lotta bless from Allah SWT, happiness in their life"
Lotta hugs and kisses.. xoxo


Trough a long time
Walked on a long road
Experienced of a long journey
We survive..
Enjoying our togetherness
No matter it's a happy or sad time
Juz glad to know that u guys will always there for me..

Lion King Opera

Geee... amazing performance..!! Never seen sumthing like dat before. The costumes r beautiful, the music is very good, the players r great.. the whole show was unbelievable.. :))

Great Ocean Road

Great Ocean Road, Lorne.. juz love the trip, beautiful scene, great companion and good food.. Wut a combination..! :))

Bank Niaga

Ama temen2 Bank Niaga.. biar cuma sebentar banget kumpul ama mereka tapi Inten dapetin waktu yang nyenengin.. :) Banyak pelajaran yang didapet.. Biarpun udah jauhan, tapi qta masih berhubungan.. It is nice to hav a lotta friends, isn't..?!

Manly Beach

Manly Beach, Sidney... it's a beautiful beach, not as natural as Bali's but it's kinda cosmopolitan beach.. great view with great cafes :) Love the blue combination between sea, sky and my outfit... ;)

Lake Mountain

Bagus banget yach, pepohonan di Melbourne mulai memerah.. keindahan alam yang belum pernah Inten liat di tanah air. Bersyukur banget bisa ngliat perubahan warna pohon2 itu :) Setiap tempat diberi keindahan yang berbeda olehNya.. seperti juga setiap individu manusia diberi keunikannya masing2..

Starbucks Toorak Rd

Lagi ngopi di Starbucks Toorak Rd.. Balik ke kebiasaan lama, ngopiii.. ;) Tapi emang perlu, dingin banget udaranya.. hahahaha.. :))

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Teman Pertama

Dua teman pertama Inten di Melbourne, masQ & Henry.. Hari2 bersama mereka penuh celaan dan pembelajaran, semoga aja dengan kumpul ama mereka terus..Inten bisa ikut2an menyerap ilmu MBA mereka... Hahahaha.. :))


MasQ.. sepupu Inten yang sangat membantu Inten mulai baru dateng di Melbourne, sampai Inten mulai memantapkan kehidupan di kota ini. Terima kasih banyak, sQ.. :)