Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Glen Fredly

Huhu.. jadi ABG lagiii, Inten nonton konsernya Glen Fredly donkkk... ;)
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Jadi ceritanya Inten kan ga gaul gaul amat.. hehe.. jadi ga gitu tau ama yang namanya lagulagu nya Glen Fredly, tau juga cuma satu ato dua lagu doang.. hehe.. ;) tapi karna sahabatsahabat nan tercinta ngajakin, ya udah dech.. for the sake of having fun with them gitu loh.. ;p

Tadinya ga ada niat dandan segala, uda prepare celana item ama sweater ijo biasanya ajah.. hehe.. eh, sebelum mandi kakak Inten minta mo ngedandanin.. hehe.. ya udah dech.. nyenengnyenengin dia ini.. :)) Fyuh.. untung dandan, klo ga bakal kebanting ama ABeGe yang pada dandan abizzzz... ;)
Gila yang dateng mayoritas anakanak ABeGe yang baru undergrad gituh.. hihi.. brasa tua.. ach, gapapa yang penting mah tetep awet muda kan.. *twink twink..* ;p

Ampun dech, si Glen.. bisa mati aja klo jadi pacarnya dia *kok Nola kuat yach.. mungkin juga ga kuat, makanya dia ninggalin Glen.. hehe.. gosssiiippp..* Itu cowo, romantis mampusss..!! Ada adegan dia ngrayu cewe yang diambil dari krumunan penonton gitu kan.. duch, klo Inten yang jadi tu cewe bisa mati berdiri kali.. hihi.. ;p Overall, shownya keren banget.. gayanya Glen udah Craig David abizz.. ga kecewa dech nontonnya...

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Dasar narsis yaa.. bukannya Glen Fredly yang dipoto.. tapi malah motomoto diri sendiri sepulang nonton konser.. hahahaaa... :)) *make up nya udah meleleh ;p*

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A Beautiful Prayer

I asked Allah to take away my habit. Allah said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.
I asked Allah to make my handicapped child whole. Allah said, No. His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary
I asked Allah to grant me patience. Allah said, No. Patience is a byproduct of tribulations;it isn't granted, it is learned.
I asked Allah to give me happiness. Allah said, No. I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.
I asked Allah to spare me pain. Allah said, No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly caresand brings you closer to me.
I asked Allah to make my spirit grow. Allah said, No. You must grow on your own! ,but I will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked Allah for all things that I might enjoy life. Allah said, No. I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.

For all the negative things we have to say to selves
Allah has a positive answer for it.

You say: "It's impossible" Allah says: All things are possible
You say: "I'm too tired" Allah says: I will give you rest
You say: "I can't go on" Allah says: My grace is sufficient
You say: "I can't figure things out" Allah says: I will direct your steps
You say: "I can't do it" Allah says: You can do all things
You say: "I'm not able" Allah says: I am able
You say: "It's not worth it" Allah says: It will be worth it
You say: "I can't forgive myself" Allah says: I FORGIVE YOU
You say: "I can't manage" Allah says: I will supply all your needs
You say: "I'm afraid" Allah says: I have not given you a spirit of fear
You say: "I'm always worried and frustrated" Allah says: Cast all your cares on ME
You say: "I don't have enough faith" Allah says: I've given everyone a measure of faith
You say: "I'm not smart enough" Allah says: I give you wisdom
You say: "I feel all alone" Allah says: I will never leave you or forsake you
You say: "Nobody really loves me" Allah says: I love you

May Allah Be Pleased With all muslims Ameen. I love each and every muslim for the Pleasure of Allah "It is in rememberance of Allah that the heart finds peace"
*Thanx to Siska for beautiful email *

Halaal & Haraam

For all of us who are still learning.. :)
Got it from an email from mbakQu .. *was posted in the FS bulletin board*

Bob: Tell me why is it that a Muslim is veryparticular about the words Halaaland Haraam; what do they mean?
Yunus: That which is permissible is termed Halaaland that which is notpermissible is termed Haraam and it is the Quranwhich draws the distinctionbetween the two
Bob: Can you give me an example?
Yunus: Yes, Islam has prohibited blood of anytype. You will agree that achemical analysis of blood shows that it containsan abundance of uric acid, achemical substance which can be injurious tohuman health.
Bob: You're right about the toxic nature of uricacid, in the human being it isexcreted as a waste product and in fact we aretold that 98% of the body's uricacid is extracted from the blood by the kidneysand removed through urination
Yunus: Now I think that you'll appreciate thespecial prescribed method ofanimal slaughter in Islam
Bob: What do you mean
Yunus: You see, the wielder of the knife, whilsttaking the name of the'Almighty', makes an incision through the jugularveins, leaving all other veinsand organs intact
Bob: I see, this causes the death of the animal bytotal loss of blood from thebody, rather than an injury to any vital organ
Yunus: Yes, were the organs, example the heart,the liver, or the brain crippledor damaged, the animal could die immediatelyand its blood would congeal in itsveins and would eventually permeate the flesh.This implies that the animalflesh would be permeated and contaminated withuric acid and therefore verypoisonous; only today did our dieticians realizesuch a thing
Bob: Again, while on the topic of food; Why doMuslims condemn the eating ofpork or ham or any foods related to pigs or swine
Yunus: Actually, apart from the Quran prohibitingthe consumption of pork,bacon(pig flesh); in fact the Bible too in Leviticuschapter11,verse 8, regardingswine it says, "of their flesh (of the swine, anothername for pig) shall younot eat, and of their carcass you shall nottouch;they are unclean to you.Further, did you know that a pig cannot beslaughtered at the neck for it doesnot have a neck; that is according to its naturalanatomy.A Muslim reasons thatif the pig was to be slaughtered and fit for humanconsumption the Creator wouldhave provided it with a neck. Nonetheless, all thataside, I am sure you arewell informed about the harmful effects of theconsumption of pork, in any form,be it pork chops,ham, bacon
Bob: The medical science finds that there is a riskfor various diseases the pigis found to be a host for many parasites andpotential diseases
Yunus: Yes, even apart from that, as we talkedabout uric acid content in theblood, it is important to note that the pig'sbiochemistry excretes only 2% ofits total uric acid content, the remaining 98%remains as an integral part of the body

Monday, March 14, 2005

Tidak biasa karna si tamu bulanan

Panjang yak, judulnya.. :)
Hehe.. sebenernya mo nyari pembenaran atas semua keanehan yang terjadi pada diriku seminggu terakhir ini.. ;p Akhirnya, unfortunately for si "tamu bulanan".. dirinya menjadi alasan atas "kegilaan" diriku... hihi... Sejak awal kedatangan"nya".. Inten selalu mudah marah, menangis dan tertawa.. tanpa sebab yang jelas.. gila! Saya si tenang ini, bisa sakit sarap tibatiba..

Hanya membaca sms dari adik yang cerita lagi nonton aja, air mata tibatiba bercucuran.. hikzzz..
Sedang bercanda ama sepupu2ku, tibatiba sakit hati.. sighhh..
Lagi ndengerin lagunya Vic Chou di discman, tibatiba cekikikan.. gelooo!!!!

Jumat kemaren, ada kuliah pagi banget.. dugh, malesnya... tapi di kelas ada cowok cakep dari India bernama Jazy dan dia duduk tepat disebelah kiri saya dan dia berbagi meja dengan saya.. weks.. si saya yang genit ini, tibatiba terdiam beribu bahasa *knapa diam bisa banyak bahasa ya?! bukankah diam berarti tak berbahasa??*.. eniwei, biasanya saya tidak akan terdiam begitu.. ugh.. hilang kesempatan berkenalan ama cowok ganteng itu...

Di hari itu juga, Inten kan paling suka nongkrong di rumah daripada nonggo di tempat temen.. tapi entah mengapa yang terjadi adalah Inten menghabiskan hari bersama teman di city dan apartemennya hingga hari larut malam, tibatiba males menghabiskan waktu di rumah.. :(

Sabtunya.. seperti biasa, enjoy banget diam di rumah.. sarapan, mberesin dapur, cuci baju, belajar, setrika, makan siang, belajar.. eh, tibatiba pengen ice cream.. berpindahlah ice cream vanilla dari boxnya ke mangkok, sesuap masuk mulut.. hmm, kok ada yang kurang ya.. entah darimana datangnya ide itu.. tapi tibatiba, saya menuangkan avocado liquer dan contreau kedalam mangkok ice cream itu *fyi sodarasodara, saya 99% bukan pengkonsumsi alkohol at all...!!!, knapa tidak 100%.. karna saya masih makan black forest tart dan macadamia ice cream yang mengandung rum dan coklat batangan ber-liquer..* eniwei, alhasil siang itu kepala saya berkunangkunang.. mabok, maaann..!!!! sigh, padahal hanya sedikit saja alkohol.. saya sudah tak kuat :(

Tetapi dengan tidur siang yang cukup dan mandi air yang sangat amat dingin.. malamnya Inten bisa menikmati Moomba Water Festival di Federation Square bersama temanteman. Tidak lupa dengan masa gila saya, sembari nonton kembang api dan bermain di pasar malam.. saya berteriakteriak dengan sangat memalukan.. hihi.. yach, anggap saja saya menikmati malam itu.. hihi.. gelo pisan..!!

Minggunya, saya berlinang airmata.. benarbenar banjir.. hanya karna menonton Finding Neverland nya mas Johny Depp.. hahahaha... memalukan...

Above all, yang paling tidak biasa adalah.. Inten si tukang tidur ini, yang biasa tidur sebelum jam 12 malem.. sekarang tiap malem, tidur jam 3 pagi.... alamak...

Semoga, segala ketidak biasan ini akan berlalu seiring pulangnya si tamu bulanan... Amien... :))

Ps. Semoga besok bisa ngobrol ama mas Jazy.. hihihi.. ;p

Thursday, March 10, 2005

aneh.. sedih..

aneh ya..?!
klo tibatiba pengen marah
aneh ya..?!
klo tibatiba pengen nangis
aneh ya..?!
klo tibatiba dada krasa sesek
aneh ya..?!
klo tibatiba brasa semuanya salah

tibatiba ngrasa ga bener.. ga pada tempatnya..




Sunday, March 06, 2005

DedeQ Amazing Race

Wakakakak... lama juga ya, Inten ga nge-post ;) Sebenernya sich, banyak banget crita yang bisa dicritain.. tapeeeeeeee *nada males gituh..??!!*... males bo'!!.. wahahaha... :))

Nah, tgl 9 Februari kemaren.. adinda tercinta dateng ke Melbourne buat mengunjungiku... hahaha.. * harapan hampa* sebenernya dia dateng buat berlibur gitu loh..!! *oleholeh bahasa gaul dari*

Nah.. critanya pengen crita waktuwaktu dia liburan di sini, tapi kata orang bijak: "gambar bisa menceritakan 1000 katakata" *bener ga sich??!* Nah, jadilah Inten pajang saja potopoto-nya.. berhubung Inten masih malezzzzzzzzzzzzz nulis... hehehe.. ;P

Nyampe Melbourne.. jalanjalan sambil nemenin bude hunting rose di Rose Garden pedesaan....

Jalanjalan ke Tasmania, berangkat ke Hobart siang naek pesawat Virgin Blue, trus ternyata disono lagi ada festival yang menyebabkan seluruh hotel sampai dengan diameter 2km dari Hobart PENUH..!!! alhasil, kembali menuju Melbourne malam harinya.. hihi..
Image hosted by Dedek sempet fotofoto di Hobart, Tasmania nih..

Jalanjalan ke Sydney.. hihi.. udah benerbener prepared hotel ;) Tetep naek Virgin Blue terbangnya, nyampe trus nginep di Central Railway Hotel malem pertama trus pindah ke Medina Apartment malem berikutnya..
Image hosted by Ama sepupusepupu sayang di Jenolan Cave, Sydney

Dua malem di Sydney, perjalanan lanjut ke Canberra.. Nginep di Hyatt Park Canberra, hotelnya asik.. bellboy nya guantengguanteng... hihihi... ada yang kaya Tom Cruise, George Clooney ama mas Keanu Reeve.. *ngilerrr..*
Image hosted by Old Parliament House, Canberra

Image hosted by War Museum, Canberra

Image hosted by Naek balon udara keliling kota Canberra.. seru, bisa mengiringi sunrise.. :)

Image hosted by Museum Canberra

Dalam perjalanan kembali ke Sydney, kita mampir di beberapa tempat yang seru.... Nyampe Sydney, nginep di Westin Hotel yang kereeeennnn abis! Arsitekturnya gabungan jamdul ama modern.. benerbener kebagi 2..
Image hosted by Three Sisters Rock, Blue Mountain-Sydney

Image hosted by Harbour Bridge, Sydney

Setelah dua malem (lagi) di Sydney.. kembalilah kami ke Melbourne tercinta....
Image hosted by Mengunjungi kampus kakak tercinta *ceille* The University of Melbourne

Image hosted by Melbourne Museum, lagi ada pameran tulang dinosaurus dari Cina

Image hosted by Warook Farm, perjalanan menuju Phillips Island mo nonton parade Pinguin.. sayang Pinguin nya ga boleh difoto... Tapi lucu dech, jalannya megalmegol..

Image hosted by Depan kandang kuda kuno di Ballarat

Image hosted by Kryal Castle, kastil nyeremin yang toiletnya depan kuburan.. hiiiiii......

Pulang dari Ballarat, pada tanggal kemarin alias 5 Maret.. Dedek tersayangku pulang ke Surabaya, naek Singapore Airlines dengan rute Melbourne-Singapore-Surabaya.. dia mesti transit 10 jam di Singapore.. sendirian.. hihi, kaciaaaannnn.... Sampai crita ini diposting, adek Inten belum ngabarin.. "sudah sampaikah dia??"